I slowly upgraded this bike over the years, and it’s now 6.9KG without pedals, or 7.3 with pedals (with bike computer mount, no bottle cages). It’s just a great all around bike and modern in terms of narrow handlebar width, wide rim aero wheelset, and tire clearance for up to 35MM WAM tires.
The color is shadow black (black on black), but I added the gold decals to the frame. I can remove them before if you like.
Would like $2850. If you have any interest but feel the price is wrong, message me. I have looked on other services, and this seems fair, but let me know. Open to selling without wheels.
This is the previous gen Ultimate with non-integrated cables.
Geometry: https://geometrygeeks.bike/bike/cany…-slx-9-0-2018/
With Canyon sizing, an XS is more of a Small or 51/52 for other bike brands I’ve found. I’m 5’6 and right between their 2XS and XS sizes. Steerer has been cut down, there’s one 20mm spacer between frame and stem/handlebar.
Everything is in excellent condition. Never raced, not ridden in poor weather. You have to really look slowly and carefully in direct sunlight to find small scratches and wear marks. I’ve taken photos of things I found for the more detail oriented. The only items that might need replacement soon is the rear GP5000 S TR tire and handlebar tape. I personally wouldn’t change the latter, but it’s just not in “perfect” condition.
Message me for more photos.
Included Parts
• I’ll include a new Dura Ace chain for the buyer, the 11-28 cassette mentioned below, and 105 50/34 chainrings.
• Canyon H36 one piece stem/handlebar combo. 39MM width.
• Ultegra 8070 DI2 Shifters, 11 Speed Drivetrain
• Dura Ace 9150 Brake Calipers – rear left caliper has a deeper scratch on the inner rotor facing side. You can’t see it easily unless you are looking for it. Shimano RT-MT800 rotors installed. I don’t live near mountains anymore which means I barely brake these days.
• Dura Ace 9150 DI2 Front and Rear Derailleurs. RD less than a year old.
• 160mm Shimano 105 7000 cranks + Dura Ace 9100 50/34 chainring. Less than 300 miles on chainrings.
• 11-34 ZTTO lightweight cassette. I will include an additional 11-28 cassette. Both are just 20-30g heavier than their Dura Ace counterparts. No issues with shifting, perhaps slightly more noisy than Shimano cassettes. Perhaps 1500 miles on the 11-34 cassette, 500 miles on the 11-28.
• Dura-Ace 11 speed chain. Chains always waxed on these drivetrain components.
• Light Bicycle AR465 Wheelset in Flyweight 1364G. 46.5 depth, 21mm internal, 28-30mm external. These were specially designed with decals, really beautiful how they turned out with the decals, oil slick hubs and spokes. I get compliments all the time. I added the name of my children via decals, but I will remove these decals. Excellent in crosswinds. The GP5000 S TR tires shown are included.
• I will replace the current Fizik Adaptive saddle with a Fizik Antares R1 saddle, which is actually 20-30g lighter.
• I am using a lighter ELITAONE MTB Carbon Seat Post 31./27.2/ Offset 20mm Road Bike Seatpost, but will include the original Canyon S13 seatpost for you. I find no negative difference in comfort with the ELITEONE.
• 2x Arundel Mandible-clone bottle cage clones, 28G each.
• Front bike computer / GoPro/ Light mount from RaceWare (for Wahoo).
• Pedals and rear light/mount are not included.
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